You consider me the young apprentice 妳認為我是一個少不更事的生手 Caught between the Scylla and Charibdes 在希樂和克瑞迪絲的海峽間進退維谷 Hypnotized by you if I should linger 留戀越久,就越受妳迷惑 Staring at the ring around your finger 只能傻傻盯著妳指間的戒指 I have only come here seeking knowledge 原先只為了求取知識而和妳結合 Things they would not teach me of in college 學到在大學裡不會教的事物 I can see the destiny you sold 現在我看到妳斷定的命運 Turn into a shining band of gold 成為閃耀的金色指環
I'll be wrapped around your finger 我被纏繞在妳指間 I'll be wrapped around your finger 我被纏繞在妳指間
Mephistopheles is not your name 惡魔不是妳的名字 I know what you're up to just the same 不過妳的動機和它同樣地邪惡 I will listen hard to your tuition 我將認真聽取妳的教導 You will see it come to it's fruition 妳會看到最後的成果
I'll be wrapped around your finger 我被纏繞在妳指間 I'll be wrapped around your finger 我被纏繞在妳指間
Devil and the deep blue sea behind me 惡魔與深不可測的心海已追不上我 Vanish in the air you'll never find me 我消失後,妳永遠尋不著我 I will turn your face to alabaster 妳的臉會變得像雪花石膏一般慘白 When you find your servant is your master 當妳發現妳的奴隸已變成妳的主人
Oh, you'll be wrapped around my finger 妳被纏繞在我指間 You'll be wrapped around my finger 妳被纏繞在我指間 You'll be wrapped around my finger 妳被纏繞在我指間
{music fades}
Wrapped around the finger
1. A term used when a girl has a guy under their command. 2. Means the guy will pretty much follow their girl's every wish and do whatever she wants.
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge, she studied sculpture at Saint Martins College, that's where I caught her eye.
我在聖馬丁學院遇見一個學雕塑且渴求知識的希臘女孩, 就在那,我們相遇了。
She told me that her dad was loaded, I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola, she said "Fine" and in 30 seconds time she said "I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do, I want to sleep with common people, I want to sleep with common people like you". Well what else could I do, I said "I'll see what I can do."
I took her to a supermarket, I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere, so it started there. I said 'Pretend you've got no money', but she just laughed and said "Oh you're so funny", I said "Yeah. Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here. Are you sure you want to live like common people, you want to see whatever common people see, you want to sleep with common people, you want to sleep with common people like me." But she didn't understand, she just smiled and held my hand.
Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job. Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school. But still you'll never get it right 'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall, if you called your dad he could stop it all.
妳可以租間小公寓, 剪去長髮,找份工作 閒來無事叼根菸,打場撞球
假裝自己不再上學去 但永遠不會抓到要領的
因為當妳半夜躺在床上 望著牆上爬來爬去的蟑螂
如果打通電話給妳的爸爸 妳就能逃離這一切啊
You'll never live like common people, you'll never do whatever common people do, you'll never fail like common people, you'll never watch your life slide out of view, and dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do.
Sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you through. Laugh along with the common people, laugh along even though they're laughing at you and the stupid things that you do, because you think that poor is cool.
Danilov: I've been such a fool, Vassili. Man will always be a man. There is no new man. We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there'd be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there's always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don't have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love.
"Beautiful Waste of Time"的歌詞讀起來滿有感覺的,可以把這麼無奈的情境唱得如此開心,真有趣。
Beautiful Waste of Time
Words by Tim Cameron, Music by Colours Run
We step out into the decadent decay To stir the languor of our love And when we kiss, you turn your tired eyes away Trapped in the mirror hung above Sometimes I'm glad I've only got one life to waste You are the needle in my arm And though I'm dying, I have such a pretty time You do me harm Come on, do me harm It's a lovely waste, such a beautiful waste You're a wonderful waste of time And I could lose my mind in your pointless embrace Such a beautiful waste of time
Every night's a fight for life The finest food, the driest wines Don't stop the music, keep on dancing as we sink Shot holes beneath the waterline And I can only speak in metaphors As I watch the horde assail the walls Oh my darling, close your eyes and let's pretend That we're not here at all
It's a lovely waste, such a beautiful waste You're a wonderful waste of time And I could lose my mind to your pointless debates Such a beautiful waste of time
In moonlit shoes, I buried all my clocks I meant to sieze the day But somehow I forgot Could be a king if I could just wake up I wrote the book On how to lose the plot I love you girl, but you tie me up in knots Keep tripping on your violins and handcuffs
You're a lovely waste, such a beautiful waste You're a wonderful waste of time And I could lose my mind in your pointless embrace Such a beautiful waste of time
Maybe one fine day, I could light up the stage Where the bells of escape still chime But not tonight, cos I still can't tear my face away From this beautiful waste of time