
It's a crazy situation...

Is it worth the aggravation
to find yourself a job when there's
nothing worth working for?
--Oasis "Cigarettes and Alcohol"




英國作家Alain de Botton最近出了新書叫做《The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work》,台灣大概還買不到,不過The Economist有一篇評論文章寫道,de Botton先生在書的後半段有以下的觀察:
The start of work means an end to freedom, but also to doubt, intensity and wayward desires... How satisfying it is to be held in check by the assumptions of colleagues, instead of being forced to contemplate, in the loneliness of the early hours, all that one might have been, and now never will be.
(開始工作雖然結束了自由,但也讓人停止懷疑、停止在意深度和反覆無常的幻想... 與同事虛與委蛇遠比被迫在寂寥的早晨思考自己當初有可能目前卻完全不可能成為的人,要愜意多了。)


2 意見:

Unknown 提到...

oasis is so clever, they can write songs like live forever,supersonic and cigareetes and alchol, live forever is about a person got no job, sitting on the beach with the beatuies under the sun with achol. it represent all the people s dream. it s been voted song of all time

Unknown 提到...

because when you learn you know what makes the world turn
money makes the world turn
