讓我假設此刻正面對一個以上的小說愛好者---這種人比一般的小說讀者有較世故的閱讀經驗,所知道的小說家也不祇是常上電視、偶傳緋聞或突然變成政客的那幾位; 這樣的小說愛好者可能自己也嘗試著寫過一、兩篇或者一、兩本小說,他們時而會對小說這一行感覺迷惑。這是一片非常輕盈的迷惑!因為它與小說愛好者重大的人生問題(或人生之中較重大的部份)分毫無涉;小說既不能解決那些問題、也不能減少那些問題。一但小說愛好者的人生問題在某一階段的現實人生中突顯浮現出來的時刻,他們不是忘了小說、就是把愛好小說這件事當作未經世事、不夠成熟時期的一個夢、一則幻想。如果我們不能瞭解夢和幻想--更確切地說;如果對夢和幻想抱持迷惑,那一定是一片非常輕盈的迷惑。音樂也是類似的,眾人常常把對音樂的熱愛看做一種不切實際的幻想,為了在社會立足,是不是就要學會一些既定的、制式的、實質上是虛偽的生存技巧?
--小說稗類《卷壹》, 張大春著,聯合文學出版
Last.fm把Kashmir列為Mew的similar artist,我只聽過這首歌"Surfing the Warm Industry",歌詞寫得真好,完全道出了我想表達的感受。仔細聽,它非常像Radiohead的"Jigsaw Falling into Place"。
I wanna run from the apathy
From the questioning tounges
And eyes that just won't come off
And get a job in a industry
Where a smile's not required
And complaints are always the same
Cause baby you must be so fed up
With a boy that keeps telling you
How much good he's gonna do
When all that is happening 'round here
Is happening in here
And nothing gets out there
Except for the truth
It's up to you
Cause I'm absolutely numb
It's up to you
Cause I'm absolutely numb
I've been adrift on the silver surf
And I've paddled ahead of the fear
That I'd fall behind
I took drinks from the glitter smurfs
And their company dads who never
Stood by in the crying
Cause no one does and nobody ever will
There is only space for one
And surely he gets killed
When the engine seizes up
You might call it existential crisis
I simply call it the bravery
Of emptiness
It's up to you
Cause I'm absolutely numb
It's up to you
Cause I'm absolutely numb