--Depeche Mode "It's No Good"
--Depeche Mode "Sister of Night"
--Depeche Mode "The Bottom Line"
在"Songs of Faith and Devotion"的巡迴演唱會(The Devotional Tour、Exotic Tour)時,樂團成員彼此的關係已降到冰點,在1994年巡迴結束後,每個人都已身心俱疲。1995年6月,Alan因為無法忍受長期為DM付出卻得不到應有的對待而離團,但酗酒的Martin、精神崩潰的Andy和依賴毒品的Dave都沒有阻攔他。Dave更是陷入了多次自殺未遂、戒毒失敗的惡性循環。
Martin於1995年到1996年間一直努力促成只剩三人的Depeche Mode進錄音室,但Dave的情況實在太糟,只錄完"Sister of Night"這首歌。在1996年5月28日,Dave因為吸毒過量,送醫時被判定死亡,在失去生命跡象兩分鐘後,他重新回到這個世界,至今未再碰毒品。
少了Alan投入,"Ultra"明顯少了很多細微的聲音效果,但對我來說,"Ultra"是Depeche Mode最富真實情感的作品,因為其中除了迫切,還有其他的DM專輯裡幾乎都沒有的—「同理心」。

除了在"Construction Time Again"時期,樂團刻意地創作一些關懷世界的歌曲,他們的歌通常沒有什麼同理心,只有少數的歌,像"Little 15"和"Blasphemous Rumours"。
"Ultra"的歌詞論述與前作相比溫情許多,即使不脫黑暗元素,"The Love Thieves"、"Home"、"Sister of Night"、"Freestate"和"Insight"的歌詞都很賺人熱淚。溫情以外,"Barrel of a Gun"和"Useless"譜出樂團這段黑暗時期內心的痛苦掙扎與憤怒,"It's No Good"和"The Bottom Line"則是DM歌曲中常出現的,自以為是與低聲下氣兩種情人的對比。

"Barrel of a Gun"
"It's No Good"(很搞笑)
46 意見:
you are the representatives of depeche mode in taiwan, and i am the representatives of depeche mode in hong kong, we should meet, at least become friends, it is written in the stars above, dpeche mode true devotee raymond
gonna take my time,
i have all the time in the world
to make you mine
it s,written in the stars above
dont say you want me
dont say you need me
dont say you love me
it s written in the stars above raymond
Thanks! I'm flattered. (blushing) You can contact me via e-mail. debbyca [at] gmail
barrel of a gun has a trip hop feel or i should say hip hop feel, and david says it s their most innovative work to date.you agree or not
martin never says he s writing for david,but tis track is written for him
this year has radiohead s paranoid android,karma police,prodigy s firestarter ,u2 s discothque, primal scream s kowalski, blur s bettlebum, song2, oasis s do you know what i mean, the verve s bittersweet symphony, mansun s wide open space. but barrel of a gun remains the best song.i like what do you expect of me,what is it you want,whatever you ve planned for me,i m not the one.
what am i supposed to do,when everything i ve done,is leading me to conclude,i m not the one.is there something you need for me,are you having your fun,i never agreed to be your holy one.it remain my life most important album
Hi Raymond,
"Ultra" is one the most important albums to me, too. When I first heard "Barrel of a Gun", I was creeped out. I'd never heard something so odd and distorted before. Luckily, I adore this track more and more with time.
everyone not everyone love home, home, the third single from the ultra album. the first martin vocal single since a question of lust. dave clayton s strings arrangment and martin s robert fripp style guitar is what this song so special about.also you cant deny martin s golden vocal.the mtv is david gahan first song to cut his hair short back to the violatir time. finally i want to mention about the single. they have a remix called grantby mix, it s different but as good as the single version. the single also includes two live versions just like you mentioned in your passage. the only way got barrel of a gun and it s no good live. when david sings to make you mine, it looks lie he really mean it, but he just didnt have the time
it s no good is my favourite track of this album, the opening are already shocking. gonna take my time ,i have all the time in the world , to make you mine, it s written in the stars above, the lyrics is so beautiful and self assured, so shocking like you first heard smell like teen spirit. the mtv is one of the best mtv i seen. david dress like elvis but i forget what they say about the video said like a washed up star sing in a venue still think life , s bigger than itself. slowblow is also a good track, it s so mysterious.did you receive my e mail
I love the arrangement of the first four songs on "Ultra". "Sister of Night" is also nice though it could've been better produced.
sorry for being so rude, sending 7 message to you, maybe because i want us to be true friend. i dont agree you say uselink is a meaningless instrumental, sinnce the ultra is an album oriented album, each song linked with each song, it s piecesof art, it makes it more atmostphereic.
also daniel miller guest on this track
it s no good is the most immediate track to date, also i heard the book say it s no good probes the frailties of human relationships, barrel of a gun express the conviction that life is set by pre determined fate.
useless is my least favourite track on ultra album,but its bittersweet guitar still shine and drum. can s drummer jaki play the drum.the mtv is shot by anton corbijn again ,it s one of the best mtv of the year.
100 greatest album ever made by mojo
1beach boys pet sounds
2van morrision astral weeks
3the beatles revolver
the rolling stones exile on the main st
5bob dylan highway61revisited
6marvin gaye what s going on
7the rolling stones let it bleed
8bob dylan blonde on blonde
9the velvet underground the velvet underground and nico
10patti smith horses
11love forever changes
12jimi hendrix experience are you experienced
13steely dan countdown to ecstasy
14jimi hendrix experience eletric ladyland
15the band the band
16the stooges funhouse
17television marqueen moon
18joni mitchell blue
19 the beatles the beatles
20steive wonder innervisions
21david bowie station to station
22sex pistols nevermind the bollocks,here s the sex pistols
23the clash london calling
24the beatles abbey road
25 david bowie hunky and dory
26the rolling stones beggars banquet
27the beatles rubber soul
28captain beefheart and his magic band trout mask replica
29david bowie the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and spider from mars
30the doors the doors
31otis redding otis blue
32james brown live at apollo
33nirvana nevermind
34velvet underground the velvet underground
35prince sign of the times
36byrds the notorious byrds brothers
37 rem atomatic for the people
38the who the who sell out
39bob dylan blonde on blonde
40big star sister lovers third
41 bruce springsteen born to run
42gram parsons grevious angel
43ramones ramones
44iggy pop lust for life
45 lou reed transformer
mile davis in a silent way
47 the byrds younger than yesterday
48 kraftwerk trans europe express
49new york dolls new yory dolls
50moby grape moby grape
51the beatles sgt pepper lonely heart club band
52rolling stones sticky fingers
53joy division closer
54bruce springsteen darkness on the edges of town
55frank zappa and the mother of invention we re only in it for money
56donald fagen nightfly
57bob dylan bringing it all back home
58 clash the clash
59roxy music for your pleasure
60 kate bush hounds of love
todd rundgren something anything
62can future days
63the beatles with the beatles
64captain beefheart clearspot
65sly and family stone stand
66eno here comes the warm jets
67the wailers catch a fire
68massive attack blue lines
69elvis costello and the attractions this years model
70richard and linda thompson i want to see bright light tonight
71steive wonder talking book
72pere ubu the modern dance
73steely dan cant buy a thrill
74sly and family stone there s riot going on
75van morrision it s too late to stop now
76public enemy it takes a nation of million to hold us back
77pink floyd apiper gate of dawn
78joni mitchell the hissing of summer lawns
79stooges stooges
80 steive wonder songs in the key of life
81 the beatles a hard day s night
82mile davis bitches brew
83neil young tonight s the night
84randy newman good old boys
85prefab sprout steve mcqueen
86marvin gaye here my dear
87talk talk the colour of spring
88 mary margeart o hara miss america
89frank zappa hot rats
90steely dan gaucho
91 the kinks the village green preservation society
92dusty spring sfield dusty in mempis
93todd rundgren awizard a true star
94the smiths the smiths
95muddy waters hard again
96led zeppelin physical graffitti
97zombies odessy and oracle
98iggy and stooges raw power
99led zeppelin led zeppelin 4
100 rober wyatt rock bottom
this is a very respectable list
now i want to listen songs of faith and devotion again
do you like anthony wong
the50 songs you must hear before you die by raymond
1stripped 101 depeche mode
2one caress depeche mode
3blue dress depeche mode
4it s no good depeche mode
5i feel you depeche mode
6strangelove depeche mode
7heart shaped box nirvana
8creep radiohead
9fake plastic trees radiohead
10mayonaise smashing pumpkins
11nice dream radiohead
12in bloom nirvana
13sing blur
14crystal ship the doors
15venus in furs the velvet underground
16sunday morning the velvet underground
17down in the street stooges
181969 stooges
19search and destroy iggy and the stooges
20tonight iggy pop
21dum dum boys iggy pop
22ivo cocteau twins
23amelia cocteau twins
24violiane cocteau twins
25know who you are at every age cocteau twins
26fifty fifty clown cocteau twins
27from the flagstones cocteau twins
28moonage daydream david bowie
29the man who sold the world david bowie
30fall on me rem
31 drive rem
32new years day u2
33who s gonna ride your wild horses u2
34 no good prodigy
35cantonese boys japan
36ghost japan
37nightporter japan
38tenant japan
39in vogue japan
40love will tears us apart joy division
41disorder joy division
42new dawn fades joy division
4324 hours joy division
44digital joy division
45so real jeff buckley
46only shallow my bloody valentine
47live forever oasis
48wide open space mansun
49where did you sleep last night nirvana
50girls and boys blur
51to the end blur
52bittersweet symphony the verve
53history the verve
54sorted for e and wizz pulp
55wild ones suede
56she is suffering manic street preachers
57mercy mojave3
58see you depeche mode
59bob dylan rainy day women 12 35
60 the rolling stones as tears goes by
please forget the words
that i juust blurted out
it wasnt me it was
my strange and creeping doubt
it keeps rattling my cage
and there s nothing in this world
will keep it down
even though i might
even though i try
i cant
so many things that keep
that keep me underground
so many words that i
that i can never find
if you give up on me now
i ll be gutted like
i ve never been before
even though i might
even though i try
i cant
if you give up on me now
i ll be gutted like
i ve never been before
even though i might
even though i try
i cant
come with me
into the trees
we ll lay on the grass
and let tht hours pass
take my hand
come back to the land
let s get away
just for one day
let me see you stripped down to the bone
let me see you stripped down to the bone
has nothing on this
you re breathing in fumes
i taste when we kiss
take my hand
come back to the land
where everything s ours
for a few hours
let me see you stripped down to the bone
let me see you stripped down to the bone
let me hear you make decisions without your television
let me hear you speaking just for me
let ne see you stripped down to the bone
let me hear you speaking just for me
let me see you strippd down to the bone
let me hear you crying just for me
the handshake
seal the contract
from the contract
there s no turning back
the turning point of a career
in korea being insincere
the holiday was funpacked
the contract still intact
the grabbing hands
grab all they can
all for themselves after all
the grabbing hands
grab all they can
all for themselves after all
it s competitive world
everything counts in large amounts
the graph on the wall
tells the story of it all
pictureit now see just how
the lies and deceit gained
a little power
confidence taken in
by a suntan and a grin
sister of night is daviid s favourite track, it is very soulful, eletronic got soulful,why dont you answer me, , my friend want me to ask you what the pronounciation of the pimpf, and hat s the meaning of pimpf,my friend is also a depeche mode fan
61 the stone roses made of stone
62kraftwerk spacelab
62 the beatles aday in the life
63the beatles i m only sleeping
64 the beatlestomorrow never knows
65 thbeatles norwegian wood
66 beatles she s so heavy
67the beatles because
68 the rolling stones sympathy for the devil
69the rolling stones gimme shelter
70the doors break on through
the boy with the thorn in his side behind the hatred their lies a murdous desire for love
reading novel is banned by the marquis de sade
all relationship are empty and temporary
mansun legacy
jazz theives is a slow number too ,it s funtion is like love theives. this album has two song called uselink and useless.
beginning to see the light
do you have the ultimate depeche mode tribute cd, one track is never let me down again performed by tina root of switchblade symphony
it barks at no one else but me, like it seen a ghost. i guess it seen the sparks a flowing, no one else would know
sometimes i get over charged thats when you see sparks, they ask me where the hell i m going at1000 feet per second
hey man slow down. idiot slow down
radiohead tourist
i m just coming back from underworld concert.
born slippy by underworld
back to good old days britpop
sing by blur
been staring down the barrel of a gun
what ever i done
barrel of a gun underworld soft mix
been staring down the barrel of a gun
whatever i ve done
i m not the one
barrel of a gun undreworld hard mix
happy national day
drag boy,dog boy
do demon angel boy
in the doorway boy
you was loopstick boy
you are beatiful boy
and tears boy
and all in your inner space boy
i had hand curls boy
and steel boy
you had chemical boy
id grown so close to you
boy and you just grown boy
she said come over come over
she smiled at you boy........
born slippy by underworld
happy mid autumn s day
how am i gonna get through, what have i done to deserve this
maybe i didnt treat you quite as good as i should have
little things i should have said and done i just never took the time you were always in my mind
it s a sin everywhere i m ever been everywhere i m going to everything i ever done everyplace i mgoing to it s a sin
i want to hide iwant to run i want to tear downthe wall that hold me inside
where the street have no name where the streer have no name love me baby let me love me baby
got no future got no past
i tried not to shock you
tell me why ,dont we try, not to break our heart and make it so hard for ourselves
look at my hope , look at my dreams, iove you you pay my rent ,ilove it
there s aplace for us somewhere a place for us
some day somewhere
there sa place for us
somewhere some day
ther s aplace for us a time and place for us
above all are pet shop boys lyrics,
why dont you answer me, i send you so many message. beginning to see the light .the track freestate, is like you can do everything, everything belonghs to you.it has the feeling like stripped .let yourslf go like let me see you stripped down to the bone
the bottom line is the tenth track for the album . i like when martin sings i m yearning , i m burning , i feel love s wheel turning, also the pedal steel guitar is good, also the line when i arrive , it s gone .it s destiny, it s fatalism, also like a cat drag in from the bag who goes straight back out to do it over again, i ll be back for more
insight is the last track of the album, i like it when david sings you gotta give love, you gotta give love. this track has a trip hop feel. all in all ,in 1997 ther are chemical brothers ,underworld prodigy, portishead ,depeche mode go with the time
painkiller is the hidden track of the album, it has a future feel and an angry feel