
狂人皮埃洛 (Pierrot le fou)


狂人皮埃洛 (Pierrot le fou / Crazy Pete)
尚-盧‧高達 (Jean-Luc Godard )



即使顛覆了傳統故事的敘事結構,在這場觀影經驗裡,其實能發現的東西很多很多。Ferdinand心不甘情不願和妻子去參加派對,你可能和他一樣對派對上客人受消費主義洗腦的行徑感到乏味不已;Ferdinand和Marianne這對舊情人一重逢就成了亡命鴛鴦,各種逃難的方法惹你發笑;你可能對影片裡不時抨擊的越戰和阿爾及利亞戰爭心有所感;你可能為Ferdinand從書中讀出的美麗詞句動容;你可能想和Marianne一樣任性地把Ferdinand叫做Pierrot,雖然Ferdinand不太高興;Ferdinand和Marianne因為生活方式不同漸漸無法溝通,讓你心碎... 當有無數元素可以自由詮釋,每一次看電影都可能產生新的想法,而這也是導演高達希望透過作品達到的。

另外,本片在高達的電影作品中具有重要代表性。飾演本片女主角的女演員Anna Karina和他合作了《女人就是女人》(Une femme est une femme)、《賴活》(Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux)、《阿爾伐城》(Alphaville, une etrange aventure de Lemmy Caution) 等多部電影,在拍攝《狂人皮埃洛》時兩人婚姻瀕臨破裂,愛情挫敗和男女之間的差異在本片顯得格外深刻。電影中浪漫戀情的結束,除了反映當時現實生活的情況,也暗喻了傳統電影的死亡,他個人預備改造電影的哲學,已銳不可當。

4 意見:

raymond 提到...

is it a good movie? please tell me. we have the jean luc godard programme here in hong kong. i choose breathless, a woman is woman, band of outsider, alphaville, pierrot goes wild, masculine feminine, weekend, sympathy for the devil, slow motion, hail mary. tf you were me, what d you choose, by the way, bruno is showed in hong kong now, will you see it. inglorious bastared , have you see it, yesterday is090909, the remaster of beatles is released, also radiohead kid a amenssiac and hail to the thief reissue

Debby 提到...

Yes, this is a good movie. It's quite bittersweet and has an unexpected ending. You can check out the blog of our movie festivals for more information.

I haven't seen every movie by Godard although I'd really love to.

Debby 提到...

I already saw "Inglorious Bastareds." It was a tribute to some famous movie with the director's, um, twisted sense of humor.

raymond 提到...

quetin tarantino says it his masterpiecees in the end.
what is the night cat, i m in hong kong
